Again, this post is late but we have been busy enjoying life which is important to me so I will accept this late post. Nolan is growing so much. He is getting big and learning so much more. He has developed a little attitude which seems to be a good mix of Brian and mine. YIKES.
We spent much of this week planning and getting ready for Wyatt's birthday party. Wyatt would have been two this year. Nolan helped with the getting ready part. He was into everything but he had fun. I had so much to do that I just let him go and allowed him to play with everything. He got into the dog food and water, the cabinets, the pantry. Basically, he had a lot of freedom. Ah well, he enjoyed himself.
Nolan is now eating most foods. He still eats his cereals, which he loves, but he is eating many more foods with us during meals. He loves chunks of meats and refuses to eat any of the baby food meats. He would much rather have chunks of chicken, pork, or beef. He doesn't like veggies too much but he loves fruits. He does still eat the baby food fruits and veggies but would rather have pieces of fruit. He enjoys his puffs and cheesy curls from Gerber and he likes drinking from his sippy cup.
Much like last week, this week was spent standing and falling. Nolan is developing better balance and is able to get himself down from standing much better. He still had several falls and run ins with the walls and floor, but no major issues. He did fall on the threshold between the living room and kitchen resulting in a black and blue mark on his cheek, just in time for Wyatt's party.
Nolan's newest thing is pulling himself up in the refrigerator and helping himself to the food. He loves the grapes. I turning around and looked back and he was popping them in his mouth. He would suck the fruit out and spit out the skins, too cute. Now he thinks that the refrigerator is for play.
Nolan has been sitting in the shopping carts using the cover for a few weeks now. He loves going to the grocery store and sitting like a big boy so he can help shop. He enjoys seeing all the people and loves when someone comes up and talks to him. This week we went to get stuff for Wyatt's party and he was such a good boy. Although he was clearly tired, the dark circles under his eyes proved it, he was an angel at the store.
On Sunday, we celebrated Wyatt's 2nd birthday and Nolan had so much fun. He played with several of his cousins and enjoyed it. He loves kids and having that many around him to play with him was perfect. Nolan also got to see his Gramps who he doesn't get to see very often. He seemed to enjoy the time he spent with him. Gramps gave Nolan a frozen hot dog and Nolan enjoyed it until Cody took it from his hand, silly dog! Nolan watched the balloon release but wasn't too into it, maybe it will interest him more next year.
Well, here are some photos from the week:
He has always loved playing with the light up numbers on this scale
Where's the baby?
Just hanging out after a good meal
"Cody clean my hands please"
Big boy
"Grapes, I think I will"
"What's this? Blackberrires?"
"So this is where the fun stuff is hiding!"
"These are so neat!"
"Now this is one big green ball!"
He loved playing with the water balloons
"Mom, are we sending all these to Wyatt?"
Nolan and cousin Avery... he loves her!
Gramps giving Nolan the frozen hot dog
At this point he still had the hot dog and was holding it for dear life
Wyatt's balloon release
"Happy Birthday brother"
Wearing blue for Wyatt
A Mommy and her boys
All in blue for Wyatt's birthday
Happy birthday brother, I see you!