Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eighteen weeks!!!

Holy moly!!!  We are at eighteen weeks already.  This week has been fun and exciting. 

Milestones this week include ~
- Finding mommy's mouth and putting hands in it
- First Thanksgiving which was celebrated at Aunt Heather's
- Learning to reach and grab for the mobile of the floor mat (and putting it in the mouth)
- Figuring out how to scream ---- oh the joys... lol
- Fighting off sleep - more now than before
- Giggling and laughing out loud
- Turned four months old (how can this be?)

This week was so much fun.  Nolan is starting to become more aware of his surroundings and enjoys making lots of noise.  He loves putting his hands in my mouth and watching me pretend to bite them.  He also learned how to scream or screech.  So cute but when he does it in the doctor's office, not take cute.  LOL

Nolan's first Thanksgiving was great.  We celebrated over at Aunt Heather's with Justin's family and ours.  Even my Dad came down for the day.  It was one of the best turkey days in a very long time. 

Brian finished Nolan's toy chest this week also.  It turned out great.  We are just waiting for the stain smell to diminish a bit before we begin using it. 

We celebrated November birthdays at Nana and Grandpa's this weekend.  Uncle Sean came home also so it was nice to see him since he has been away at college. 

This weekend my sister came to the park with us and took our Christmas pictures.  The weather was perfect since it was in the upper 60s.  The pictures turned out awesome.  We really couldn't have asked for anything better. 

Yesterday we spent much of the day at the park with cousin Hayley.  Hayley rode her bike (which I accidentally broke the horn off of while attempting to load it into my car with the stroller ~ stroller ended up in the front seat with me) and Nolan rode in the stroller along side of her.  We ended up playing on the barn at the park and Nolan loved watching the kids. 

All and all, this week was incredible.  Although I am laid off with no return to work, I am enjoying every single moment while being a stay at home mom.

Here are some pictures from this week:

Love this picture


Four month picture

Four months

"They call me prepster"

"This is the life.  Need some sand for my toes though."

"What did you say?!  I didn't pick it out my mom did!"

Outfit number two ~ "Yes, I need one after that first outfit.  Thanks!"

Happy Birthday everyone including Daddy

"That cake is on fire..... oh it's a candle, COOL."

At the park

Hanging out with cousin Hayley

"Hmmm let me think about this.... you said Marines?!"

Say cheese!!

"See me stand"

Love this

Mommy and Nolan

Daddy and Nolan

This is the Christmas picture..... love it!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Seventeen Weeks

And another Tuesday is here, so it makes our little gift 17 weeks old now.  How in the world can this be? 

Well, this week was filled with fun.  After being laid off last Tuesday, I decided to pull Nolan out of daycare.  His last day was last Thursday and it was both happy and sad for us.  Happy because Nolan and Mommy get to have time together but sad because Nolan had to leave his friends and teachers. 

On Friday, Daddy's birthday, Nolan and I went shopping.  After shopping all day and coming home and doing some Online shopping, we are down to only two Christmas presents left to purchase.  Daddy worked all weekend, since I am not making any money, and Nolan and I played and talked with each other.

This week Nolan has developed so much.  He is understanding that the more sounds he makes the more attention he will get... LOL  He also has started to really mimic the sounds that we are making.  He enjoys watching television and he just started using his jumparoo (not that he can touch the ground in it, but that's what a pillow is for!)

Oh, and he is laughing a lot now!!!  I love it!  We were standing in the kitchen the other night and I was doing "so big" with him.  I then started to say "Dada" and he was just giggling up a storm.  These are moments that I will never give up. 

I have decided that the job that I lost was just that, a job.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Spending time home with my child is so much more important than that job.  Do I question how we are going to make it, yes.  Do I think it will be possible, yes.  Do I trust that everything has a reason, YES!  I believe the reason I lost my job is because I was meant to stay home with my son and enjoy him while he grows up.

Well, until next week.... Happy Thanksgiving and stay tuned for fun Turkey Day pictures!!!

Here are a few pictures from the week: 

"I see you!"

My precious baby

"Put that thing away, please... I am going to cry."

"Now this, this is interesting.  Let me see here."

"Come here darn it"

Smiling with Mommy!

"I can't take it any more...."

Look at the arm, just chillin!!!

"Okay, so the stuff goes on the plate, then into the mouth.  I get it, now can I have some?!"

Yea, his feet don't touch the ground.

Mr. Serious

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sixteen weeks ~ a bit late

Well, this post is definitely late since Nolan turned sixteen weeks on Tuesday and here it is Thursday.  Yes, there is a very good reason for me being late with this post.  That reason is the fact that I lost my job due to corporate downsizing on Tuesday.  Yes, I really did lose it after working there for nine years.  I was basically told sorry but you were one of the selected ones and don't forget "thank you for your tenure".  It was really said, just.like.that.

So, needless to say, I have spent the last two days figuring out what comes next in my book with countless chapters.  Not sure what is going to happen, but it is life so something will take place. 

Okay, so on to Nolan's last week.....

Well, Nolan attended daycare and did very well last week.  He came home with all smiles most of the days.  Nolan seems to sleep a lot for daycare, not sure why.  We continued with the work routine which is basically rush rush here and rush rush there.  Friday we went to the Exton mall to Christmas shop, but it turned out to be a day spent feeding and changing Nolan.  Nolan seems to think that when we shop he is supposed to eat ALL THE TIME.  Saturday and Sunday we spent the days inside, playing with Nolan toys and watching some Nick Jr.  The weekend went way too fast but it was fun. 

Nolan is really starting to laugh out loud.  He laughed for my mom on Friday and he is constantly laughing while getting his diaper changed on the changing table.  Nolan is still sleeping in with me in our room and that doesn't look like it will change anytime soon, mainly because I want him close still.  Nolan is still wearing 0-3 months in everything but his stretch suits.  Those he needs 3-6 months, guess he will be tall.  LOL

Well, here are some photos from the week:

"So this is how you did it, huh!"

Just like a man.... totally focused on TV

Love this picture!!!!

My precious child

Mommy and Nolan

"Look Mom, I can lift my feet!"

"Dad, this is awesome!!"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fifteen Weeks.. OH MY!

Man this week flew by!

It started with picking out school (well, daycare) pictures.  So much fun!!!   Nolan had three great poses, one of which was his classic pose.... Nolan with his middle finger up.  Amazing.

Nolan was picked up from school on Thursday and taken right to the doctors, yep another fever.  He was really congested but the doctor said it was still just a cold.  SHEW!

Friday was a Nolan and Mommy day as we spent a lot of time snuggling!!!  This is the best kind of day in my book.

The weekend was spent making the best turkey hat ever.  Poor kid....

Nolan is really starting to interact and laugh now.  He is so close to really rolling over, maybe another week or so.  He can sit pretty good in his Bumbo now, he just needs minor assistance.  Oh, and "binkie" not really sure what happened.... but "binks" is not used much, hardly ever.  Of course he still loves his "Flapper" dog and his blankie. 

All and all this week was pretty uneventful but Nolan continues to grow so fast.  In fact, he weighed in at 12lbs 10ozs at the doctors on Thursday. 

Here are some pictures from the week:
Milk coma...

He loves Flaps... what can I say.

Chillaxin' and getting in some TV time.

"Look at me I can hold my own toys now!!!"

"Hmmm, this is pretty awesome!"

"Are you people SERIOUS?!"

"Daddy is so funny!!!"

"Make it stop.... please."

"Seriously, get this turkey off of me!"

"Dude, I give up.... Yes, I can sit in my chair now."

Bath time!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fourteen Weeks...

Fourteen weeks, oh my goodness!!! 

This week has brought a lot of firsts with it.  We had our first cold on Thursday which was realized by daycare and I received a call to come and pick Mr. Nolan up due to a fever of 100.5.  We had our first visit to the sick side of the doctor's office which mama wasn't to happy about, but that is life.  The doctor said that Nolan had the starts of an upper respiratory infection and to use a humidifier and saline solution to help clear everything up.  Since Thursday, I have called the doctors office twice because of being concerned with Nolan's breathing and stuffiness.  Nothing like an over concerned parent, LOL. 

Needless to say, with Nolan getting sick on Thursday, he didn't stay with Nana and Grandpa on Friday.  I felt horrible when I asked Brian to call and tell them that we weren't coming, but my baby just wasn't himself so I couldn't send him. 

As I said before, this week brought lots of firsts.  Nolan has laughed before with Brian but this week he actually laughed with me.  He also has really started to grab and hold objects, including my hair.  He loves to play with my hair.  He also enjoys holding onto the elbow of my shirt while I change him.  So cute!  I introduced a few rattles to him this week and he seems to like the thinner ones.  He is now actually holding them and lifting them up on his own.  Of course, he still loves his little dog that we named "Flappers" or "Flaps" for short. 

This weekend, though still feeling sick, Nolan helped carve his first pumpkin.  We were able to get a few good pictures of him actually sitting INSIDE the pumpkin.  So funny!

Oh and might I mention another first.... Nolan's first snow took place on Saturday, October 29.  Yes, OCTOBER!!  I wanted to take him outside to get a photo of his first snow, but he was sick and I didn't want to make it worse.  So, we can just talk about it.  The forecast started calling for snow on Friday.  I didn't believe it but sure enough, we got about an inch.  Never in my life has it snowed in October, not around here.  I think the weatherman said that the last time was in the 70's.  So yes, Nolan's first snow took place before his first Halloween. 

Then on Monday, Nolan had his first Halloween.  He had a parade at school and even received some cute little treats.  After school, we headed to Nana and Grandpa's and then ended the night at Mommom's.  Even with being sick, our little pumpkin had a good night.  He saw most of his cousins and smiled all night (except when he was hungry).

What a fun we this past week has been.  Even though he was sick and a bit cranky, this week was a lot of fun and brought many new an exciting memories. 

Photos of the week:
"I wasn't exactly ready for that picture!"

"Seriously, I can't look at you while wearing this silly thing on my head."

"Wait, you mean I can see myself in this thing?!  That's awesome!"

"I got scared cause Mommy said Boo...." (not really he was just mad)

Nolan and Mommy

The cutest baby pumpkin ever!!

"I smile cause I sit in a pumpkin, I laugh because you can't join me!!"

Pumpkin carving
Our pumpkin

Nana and Nolan

Grandpa and Nolan

"This, this is my cousin, Hayley, and she is a cow girl."  (hand on shoulder and all)

Trick or Treat at Mommom's
"I got rice!!! YUM"

Our First Halloween